What if the Congressional Budget were handled more like the Thunderdrome?

I was taking a brief look at President Obama’s proposed budget.  I haven’t dived into the details yet, I was more interested in the big numbers.  You know- How much do you want?  How much do we have?  If you subtract A from B is the remainder a negative number?  Those are the fundamentals of… Continue reading What if the Congressional Budget were handled more like the Thunderdrome?

A day like any other, but today was this day.

And what a day it was!  Really, it was a day that had already been informed by the goings on of this past week.  Thursday to Thursday, in fact.  These goings on, though individual in their actions and completely unrelated to one another, have none the less had a collective impact on this moderately warm… Continue reading A day like any other, but today was this day.

And now a word…

I was going to add, “from our sponsors.”  But I realized I don’t have any.  Clearly I must monetize this blog, posthaste. Senor Dave, I humbly request the opportunity to enjoy a cup of tea at our usual repast on Saturday.  Please let me know if you’re available. I have been neglecting my updates.  This… Continue reading And now a word…