“So I ask you — Mitch McConnell, and all you senators who refuse to do anything about the violence and school shootings and supermarket shootings — I ask you, Are you going to put your own desire for power ahead of the lives of our children and our elderly and our churchgoers? Because that’s what… Continue reading Facebook Post: 2022-05-25T15:55:02
Month: May 2022
Thoughts, Prayers and Bullet Proof Backpacks – The NRA’s Guide to Addressing Gun Violence
Any good capitalist will tell you to never let a tragedy go to waste. I don’t think that it was an accident, within days of the shooting last week in Buffalo, that I started seeing ads on YouTube for bullet proof backpacks. I’m sure I’ll see even more, now. I wish I were joking, or… Continue reading Thoughts, Prayers and Bullet Proof Backpacks – The NRA’s Guide to Addressing Gun Violence
Facebook Post: 2022-05-22T21:30:22
Better fight seen than anything in the last 10 Seagal movies!
Facebook Post: 2022-05-18T15:01:44
He’s right. Jim Wright, in fact. The truth is, there’s all sorts of flavors of Capitalism, it’s not something where it’s all or nothing, right or wrong. Verizon is raising their rates soon. A company known for some of the highest rates and best profits in the industry is aiming even higher, citing inflation. You… Continue reading Facebook Post: 2022-05-18T15:01:44
Facebook Post: 2022-05-17T18:25:51
Physics Dad Joke – Well Son, you tend to get out what you put in. Son – Not funny…
Facebook Post: 2022-05-16T11:03:03
He’s bigger now and the things he chews on are made of tougher stuff but they still end up in the same condition.
Facebook Post: 2022-05-15T20:32:44
Daniel’s piano recital for this year. Chopin’s Ballad #1. I’m not sure what he’s going to be tackling next, though I’m hoping for a bit of Delta or Chicago Blues. That’s not really his thing so I expect his next performance to include some other classical numbers that are difficult to play!
Facebook Post: 2022-05-15T10:17:36
Connie Cranmer MadduxCharles D. Maddux You must be this tall to ride.
Facebook Post: 2022-05-14T15:45:16
Pro Tip – When being asked what the oldest thing in your house is, do not respond with, “My Spouse.” It’s only funny to most of the audience.
Facebook Post: 2022-05-10T14:13:57
“Everything else is just camouflage.” Yes it is.