Heh. Still between that article, and another one I read but cannot find, the Montana Democrats are in need of a few good candidates. Perhaps I should throw my hat into the ring as the kind of candidate they need. You see, I’m not a Democrat. I’m not a Republican any more, either. The Democrats have a tough go of it here in Montana – their social platform actually benefits a lot of the state, but they have no concept on how to market it. On the economic side, well, Democrats suck. We might identify, economically, as a state/nation of have nots, but even though the idea of sticking it to the man is appealing to many, even more of us want to be well off. Sure those guys oppressing us are rich, but we wanna be rich too. Taxing the rich isn’t something a lot of Montanan’s get behind, I think because many people identify wealth with hard work. And while that isn’t as accurate as it used to be, we’re not really ready to throw that association out, not around here. And truthfully, we shouldn’t. Whether Democrats like it or not, the wealthy already foot the bill for the majority of our expenses- taxing them more just because we feel they can afford it is not a policy we should ever agree to.
So that’s where I come in. Let’s get back to the basics of streamlining our government. Less at the Federal level, more at the State. Let’s invest in our infrastructure – our people, and we’ll sell it as good for business, good for the environment and good for the profits of everyone. Well, almost everyone. 🙂 Let’s move from the extremes of both parties and find some ground that actually lets us accomplish some work in our country.