I like what he had to say about Trump and Bernie. His summation of Trump is exactly what I’ve been thinking, but never been able to choose the right words.


Friday Humor – With Ten Minutes to Spare

First a couple sent over by Mr. Dave.  No, not Letterman, but still a Montana Resident and just as funny. *It’s so cold out that necrophiliacs are telling their boyfriends to warm up their hands *If you drink the water in Russia….  Do you get the Troskys?           * Come on… Continue reading Friday Humor – With Ten Minutes to Spare

Been There, Want the T-Shirt

I’ve been a fan of Bill Harris for over a decade now.  Today he posted something that truly resonated with me.  Not because it showcased his insightful analysis, gaming knowledge or wisdom gleaned over a few decades of living.  No, it’s because he admitted, and laughed at, what it’s like to be a real husband.  I… Continue reading Been There, Want the T-Shirt