Facebook Post: 2015-09-15T15:58:59

A recent example that people can act rationally around each other. Perhaps it was because the expectation of such being set ahead of time? Either way, I’m pleased.

One thing that the article pointed out was the other campuses have cancelled speakers based on the possibility that some might feel unsafe, or “triggered”(my word, not theirs). I think that is a very bad approach. One of the most divisive things we have done to our country has been to filter ourselves to the point where we no longer interact with opposing view points or uncomfortable topics. It fosters an us or them mentality and reinforces our personal biases to such a degree that we can no longer tolerate any viewpoint or experience but our own. This is very dangerous.


By Dan Granot

I chose the Shorter Whitman because of his work, "Song of Myself" and because of my self-deprecating sense of humor. I am under no illusion that I can write successful essays or poetry, but I have been known to write them anyway.

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