Facebook Post: 2013-10-09T20:26:46

I read this silly piece today. At first, I was quick to dismiss it as just another grumpy old man essay. You know the ones I’m talking about, the kind that gripe about how the new generation isn’t nearly as nice/mature/capable/etc as the ones that came before them. It’s usually a reflection of the author’s inability to cope with change and their corresponding lack of respect or understanding of modern societal mores. Those essays have been written every generation for hundreds, if not thousands, of years. This piece is similar to those, but different in some respects, too. It’s less about perceived generational change and more a feminist critique of the modern male- written by a guy. One assumes, of course, that this male author is a real man and not a watered down, sex deprived modern sissy.

I take issue with some of the author’s points in his essay. Well, to be honest, I find the entire piece utter drek, but one person’s opinion and all that… It’s been awhile since I’ve written a rebuttal to anything non-political. Maybe I’ll do that tonight. In the mean time, what do you guys think?

By Dan Granot

I chose the Shorter Whitman because of his work, "Song of Myself" and because of my self-deprecating sense of humor. I am under no illusion that I can write successful essays or poetry, but I have been known to write them anyway.

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