Manic Monday

Well, It’s the start of his first full week in office.  Kind of interesting.  Pulls out the TPP, and wants to renegotiate NAFTA, too.  I support that move.  Then does the usual Republican thing with abortions, which I wish would just stop.  Enough political back and forth between the Right & Left on that.  His… Continue reading Manic Monday

Snoop on them as they would snoop on us Ed writes on something that should be a non-issue, but very clearly is not.  Here in the Big City, the local rag has done battle many times with the Powers That Be to gain access to records that are open to us by the mandate of the People.  Time and time again they have… Continue reading Snoop on them as they would snoop on us

Socially Contracted Resistance

I was having a bit of lunch with Dave and I brought up a conundrum I was working on.  The couple in Oregon that possessed a bakery that refused to bake a cake for a gay couple.  I found the ruling against them reprehensible as I firmly believe that, with a few exceptions, the state… Continue reading Socially Contracted Resistance

Drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra…

I came across this shortly after Carrie Fisher’s death. I realize by it’s very formation that the ‘zine is trying to develop and appeal to the feminist image, or at least, what passes for feminism these days, but I think they might be trying too hard.  When you cannot laugh at yourself, you have… Continue reading Drowned in moonlight, strangled by my own bra…

The job of the news

I’ve started to actively disagree with things when I encounter them.  It’s not that I have necessarily become more extreme in my views so much as I’ve become more vocal.  I’m more sure of my self when I voice my opinion or advocate for my position.  I don’t try to steam roll anyone, or advance… Continue reading The job of the news

Christian Values or Christian State?

You hear it a lot, especially among the conservative right, but also among more middle of the road Christian groups.  “We need to return to good Christian values,” or “We need a Christian leader to bring us back to our values.”  Simple, earnest statements, but I suspect what they really mean is, “We need a… Continue reading Christian Values or Christian State?

The hole cost

I hate war as only a soldier who has lived it can, only as one who has seen its brutality, its futility, its stupidity. Read more at: I really don’t know enough about Eisenhower, but I do know he had some excellent quotes.  Whoever, or whatever else he might have been, he had that… Continue reading The hole cost

Post Debate – The First Penis

Back around 1996 there was a movie featuring Jack Lemmon and James Garner titled, “My Fellow Americans“.  Tonight’s debate, and the references to certain anatomical parts reminded me of a scene in which former President Douglas, played by James Garner, is using the restroom.  In comes a gentlemen who recognizes him and wants to shake… Continue reading Post Debate – The First Penis